Monday, August 25, 2008

Last First Day of School

This is a photo of the boys first day of school, for the last time in the DR. Nobody is really smiling....apprehensive would be an understatement. The good news, they came home feeling happy with the day, and ready to tackle the year. (well, kinda). Can you see Ethan's necklace? It is a wild boar's tooth. Our friend Jeff hunted and killed the boar. He made a necklace out of the tooth and gave it to Ethan. He knew Ethan would LOVE it....and he does!
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Birthday Bash

It was my birthday on Saturday....and I had a fantastic day. This was the second birthday that I celebrated on the island, and I think celebrating my next birthday back in Canada will come with mixed emotions. My birthday consisted of sleeping in, my breakfast made and on the table waiting for me (thanks to Ethan), a lunch with 'the girls' at a Victorian Tea House (at least it was an attempt by the Spanish community), Bob made supper, and friends over for desert for the evening. I spent the day with the people who I care about the most, and who reminded me that they cared about me greatly. Throughout the day, I received phone calls and emails from the friends and family that I would teleport over to the island in a second if I had the power to do it. People who I hadn't heard from in months took the time to write a note or phone. It was a great day.
The photo was taken by Brodie during church. Our church has a tradition that on your birthday, you go up front and tell your age (yuck), your birthdate, where you were born (I told all the poor Americans that I was born in an igloo, they were thinking it anyway!!) and then you tell a funny birthday story. The congregation sings Happy Birthday and then significant people in your life, come up and one person prays for you and your year to come. In this photo, Bob is praying- I'm holding Hazel (my niece). Thanks to everyone who made this day fun and special.
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Summer is OVER

Back to School!

Here's what's happening around here:

1. Crazy busy times at work for Carrie
2. Bob has taken up teaching a class for our school. He is teaching Agricultural Science in the Caribbean. Which means he has one hour of class time and 3 hours of field work each week. There are only 7 students in the class. We are looking forward to his final project....a farmer's market!
3. Our boys all head back to school on Monday!! This will greatly help the shuffle between school and home...and make Carrie's days a little less complicated! Brodie and Drew are starting grade 8 and Ethan- grade 4.
4. The boys are continuing to grow like weeds. The photo is of Carrie wearing a pair of Drew's sandals. CRAZY!
5. Brodie and Drew have taken up playing the drums and guitar. They've gone from noise to music a few short weeks. This is exciting...and relief all in one!
6. There are many students in our school that are leaving, and new ones coming in. This rotation helps us realize that although we will miss them, it's so great to hear that they are ready to live with their parents again. The father of a boy heading home took a few of us out for supper as a "thank-you". He welled up with tears as he tried to express his gratitude. "There are no words", was all he could really say. Enough said!
7. Now we wait for babies. Both Jill (our sister-in-law) and Rachel (our friend) are expecting to give birth on the same day, in the same hospital, with the same doctor....and are hoping for the same birthing room (the one with air-conditioning). What's even better is that Jill needs us to take Hazel (our one year old niece) during the delivery, and Rachel has asked me (Carrie-obviously) to come in for her C-section. We don't foresee boredom in our future!
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Back to Routine

We are in the process of completing our first week back at work. It actually feels good to be back in the routine again. The students were happy to see us and the staff was excited to have Bob back. (Apparently his worth as an employee is greater than mine, when the internet is down!!:)

Here are the things I know this week:

1. We really like our jobs. Tough at times, but great! We try to have individual students down once per week. We had a male student down on Thursday. He will be going home in a couple of weeks. We will miss him.
2. We miss home. Friends and family mostly. The idea of luxuries such as flushing toilet paper and 24 hour power is enticing, but it's hanging with the people we love that we miss the most. (Brodie is nodding in agreement beside me)
3. I hate cockroaches. Last night Bob and boys attempted to kill the 30+ cockroaches in my kitchen. Ugh!
4. I miss our "Supper Club". Bob and I went out for supper with friends the other night. It made me miss the evenings of over-eating, good conversations and great friends. We miss you guys.
5. Camping with friends and family....especially at Lake William.
6. I know there are more...but mostly it revolves around hanging with the people who mean a lot to us...nieces and nephews are growing without us seeing them. Friends and family are having babies that we still haven't seen.

I was talking to my friend Rachel today...and I summed it up to her by saying, "I don't really miss Canada, but I miss the people there."

Reflecting on our one year: We love it here...the only thing that would make it better would be to have you here as well.

Missing friends and family,