Monday, August 25, 2008

Birthday Bash

It was my birthday on Saturday....and I had a fantastic day. This was the second birthday that I celebrated on the island, and I think celebrating my next birthday back in Canada will come with mixed emotions. My birthday consisted of sleeping in, my breakfast made and on the table waiting for me (thanks to Ethan), a lunch with 'the girls' at a Victorian Tea House (at least it was an attempt by the Spanish community), Bob made supper, and friends over for desert for the evening. I spent the day with the people who I care about the most, and who reminded me that they cared about me greatly. Throughout the day, I received phone calls and emails from the friends and family that I would teleport over to the island in a second if I had the power to do it. People who I hadn't heard from in months took the time to write a note or phone. It was a great day.
The photo was taken by Brodie during church. Our church has a tradition that on your birthday, you go up front and tell your age (yuck), your birthdate, where you were born (I told all the poor Americans that I was born in an igloo, they were thinking it anyway!!) and then you tell a funny birthday story. The congregation sings Happy Birthday and then significant people in your life, come up and one person prays for you and your year to come. In this photo, Bob is praying- I'm holding Hazel (my niece). Thanks to everyone who made this day fun and special.
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