Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hurricane Sunshine?

Many of you have been phoning us, sending us emails and instant messaging us to find out how we are managing the hurricanes that all seem to want to be on our island. Well, we had a staff meeting stating what we needed to do when the hurricane hit, they suggested that we fill up on propane, milk (our milk is bought on shelves, not refrigerated) and canned goods. We did all of the above. School was cancelled for the kids and we were all put on red alert.....and the sun shines brightly! Seriously, we haven't power and water this good in months. It's amazing. The weather is beautiful. We are not sure what to make of all this.

Here are the blessings that we are celebrating right now:

1. Brodie has started taking drum lessons from a fellow missionary (From Young Life). They are beating on the drums in Brodie's room right now.
2. All three boys are finding school a 'cynch'. Which really helps the morale around here.
3. Brodie and Drew's Spanish is improving rapidly. The director of the school suggested that we pull them out of tutoring and put them in the grade 8 Spanish class. The boys are confident that they will fail that class miserably. Sink or swim right??
4. All three boys have new 'American' friends in school. Caleb is over here, or the boys are over there playing video games all the time. Sounds a little too 'normal' for me. Nicole, our director's daughter, has moved over to Doulos and hangs out with Ethan often. She is only a year younger than Brodie and Drew, but she tolerates Ethan's..."Did you know..?" statements very well.
5. Hurricanes have been good to us.
6. Our concho mechanic has asked us to teach him English in exchange for teaching us Spanish. We met for three hours the other day, he has almost no English. Talk about exhausting!!
7. Bob and I are enjoying work. We said good-bye to another student yesterday. Another one is ready to fly on his own.
8. My friend Rachel is scheduled for a C-section for Wednesday, and I get to go!! I'm so excited! (she is having baby #4- a girl)

Prayer concerns:

1. Hurricane/Tropical Storm season, has been great on our environment, but not great for my jaw joints. I'm ready for stable humidity etc.
2. Should Hurricanes actually come to see us, keep Jill (our sister-in-law) and my friend Rachel in mind as they are ready to give birth any time now. They would appreciate water, power and a roof over their head. :)

It's great when the blessings way outweigh the prayer concerns. We always love company. If you are thinking about coming by the DR, keep us in mind.
Take Care,

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